As ações aqui expostas evidenciam a materialização dos Princípios e Objetivos do ECVU. São projetos realizados em São Francisco Xavier, SP/BR, Área de Proteção Ambiental, na Mata Atlântica, Serra da Mantiqueira.
As vivências realizadas pelo ECVU se caracterizam por suas interações coletivas entre artistas, parceiros e comunidade local, gerando produtos únicos, com arte, ecologia e trabalho social. Para entrar em contato conosco, escreva para
Saiba mais sobre o ECVU clicando os links Ateliê Residência, Exposições e Diretrizes e Normas, ao lado.

Nos Sons da APA SFX, brincando com coisa séria!

Nos Sons da APA SFX (Inside the sounds of the
Ambiental Protection Area, São Francisco Xavier) was an that culminated in a thrilling musique concrete composition, worthy of being performed by this great orchestra of researchers. The “instrument” selection rigorously represented each of the 5 Ambiental Protection Areas of São Francisco Xavier. This talented investigators collectively unlocked an exciting universe of previously undiscovered sounds.

The project was realized by ECVU, with partners EMEF Mercedes Rachid Edwards, and Sho’ You Audio and Video, with the help of the board of directors from APA SFX, and special guest composer Felipe Lara, currently residing in New York. The composer brought an international character to the event. The teachers and students dealt with the encounter open heartedly and without any prejudice they formed an ensemble that watched, listened, exchanged, respected, perceived, and acted as one living organism.